
About the Collaboration Zone
The Collaboration Zone is an exclusive area of BLMiers.com for super-members to share files, manage their author profile, release files instantly onto BLMiers.com and generally collaborate with other active super-members in a supported and protected environment.


To become a super-member, a member must apply to join the Super-members usergroup. There is a degree of exclusivity in the Collaboration Zone, due to the enhanced privileges and the need for a private environment: therefore not all applications will necessarily be accepted.


As a super-member, you are a member of an exclusive group and you have been given the trust to have greater access and resources than normal members.

Some of the services we may offer (DEFAULT. WEBMASTER SHOULD EDIT AS REQUIRED):
  • Access to a file storage service, with remote linking enabled
  • Forum hosting (usually as a sub-forum of our main forums - which brings a lot of interest to your project)
  • News posting/coverage, of your projects
  • File hosting, in our public download database
  • An active community on our forums, with public and super-member-only forums
  • Advertising for projects in our banner exchange, and our project database
  • A personal author profile, so you can give information about yourself along with your file releases
  • A points system on the forums, so you can be awarded for your work. You can use your gained points to 'purchase' banner hits, emails and text-banner promotion
  • Advertisement of your works as images of the day

The file/media library

The file/media library is a place where you may store files to share with other super-members.

Feel free to create personal folders in here for your own use.

Please do not use the space for large, unrelated. files. It is not for the storage of purely personal files, or illegal material.

If any rules are broken with the space, or people cause trouble, they are liable to be removed from the super-member usergroup.

Please use our public download system for releasing final (public) files, as this is much more powerful and organized.

Most members will only be able to delete their own files, but all files are viewable to all other super-members, and may be downloaded by anyone who knows the URL.